Sustainability in the Community
Council will establish a Community Sustainability Working Party to determine options and actions for the community to address climate change and the loss of biodiversity in our community. Membership of this party will be discussed at a briefing session to ensure broad skills and ages, prior to an expression of interest process.
Operational Plan 2021/22
The draft operational plan and budget 2021/22 was approved for public exhibition until Friday 7th May 2021. Invitations will be extended to submitters wishing to speak to their submission (for a maximum of 5 minutes) at the public forum of the Council meeting on 1st June 2021.
Three detached dwellings – 13 Chiswick Street, Goulburn
Council refused this development application as it did not meet several requirements of the Goulburn Mulwaree Local Environmental Plan including promotion of good design and amenity, provision of sunlight, impact of earthworks, provision of outdoor space, and the orderly and economic use and development of land in the area.
Planning Proposal – 37 Ross Street and 23 Brewer Street, Goulburn
Council endorsed this planning proposal, which will rezone the sites to part R1 General Residential, part B6 Enterprise Corridor and RE1 Public Recreation. The rezoning is being undertaken to allow further development of the Goulburn Health Hub site.
Planning Proposal – 159 Rifle Range Road, Goulburn
Council endorsed this planning proposal, which will allow the subdivision of lot 1 from the portion zoned RU6 transition zone land and permit a dwelling on the E2 Environmental Conservation Zone land portion subject to consent.
Planning Proposal – 14-16 George Street, Marulan
Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal to amend the permitted uses for this site by including food and drink premises, motel or hotel accommodation and pub and bottle shop as permitted with consent on this land. A new truck stop is proposed on this site.
Signature Care Section 64 and Section 7.11 Fee Review
Council reviewed contributions by Signature Care for water and wastewater, based on factual evidence provided by this organisation from their other facilities. This has resulted in a reduction in fees payable for the organisation. In the event the number of beds in this development reduces to below 100 beds, the contribution rates will revert to the standard Water Directorate rate.
Sale of 2C Sloane Street Goulburn
Council will sell this property, with full disclosure of known constraints for the site. Expressions of interest will now be sought from local real estate agents for the sale by auction, with the General Manager given delegated authority to approve appointment of an agent.
Greyhound NSW – Development of straight track
Council gave support for the development of straight track for the Goulburn Greyhound facility at the Recreation area. The support given is done so in the knowledge that the development of this straight track facility requires development consent.
Access road to Riding for the Disabled and Campdraft Facility
Council will advise these organisations that it is inappropriate to make such a decision at this time on their funding application until the Development Application is determined.
Renewal of alcohol-free zones in Goulburn
The proposal to renew alcohol free zones (area bounded by Clinton Street, Bourke, Lithgow, Lagoon, Bruce, Grafton and Sloane Streets) until 30 June 2026 will be placed on public exhibition.