Rocky Hill Museum Exhibition Nominated for Award

Rocky Hill Museum Exhibition Nominated for Award

The opening exhibition for the new Rocky Hill War Memorial Museum building, “Objects of National Significance: When war trophies came to Goulburn”, has been nominated in the Museums & Galleries NSW 2021 Imagine Awards.

The concept for the opening exhibition grew out of the significance of the original WWI war trophy collection.

“The decision was taken to centre the exhibition around 16 objects of national significance from the WW1 collection housed onsite since 1927. The objects were further researched, contextualised and re-interpreted to tell the history of the museum, of the collection and of the surrounding community to showcase the new exhibition space” said the Museum’s Coordinator and exhibition curator, Kerry Ross.

Through re-interpretation that articulates the connections between people, place and objects over a period of 90+ years, the exhibition delivers a meaningful experience that has re-engaged the local community and attracted new audiences to this important regional collection.

Whilst the museum is currently closed due to COVID restrictions, the museum’s team is working behind the scenes to deliver a new exhibition in 2022 based on local experiences of WWII.

The exhibition will feature both war time service personnel and the experiences of those who lived through the war years In Goulburn and surrounding districts.

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